Enhanced Website’s UI

Enhanced Website’s UI

Enhanced Website’s UI

Enhanced Website’s UI

Converted company’s cluttered landing, product & blog pages to accessible ones with easier user navigation

Converted company’s cluttered landing, product & blog pages to accessible ones with easier user navigation

Converted company’s cluttered landing, product & blog pages to accessible ones with easier user navigation

Converted company’s cluttered landing, product & blog pages to accessible ones with easier user navigation


The Jaquar Group, established in 1960, is a bathroom and lighting company, offering faucets, showers, shower enclosures, sanitary ware, flushing systems, wellness products, concealed cisterns, water heaters, and varied lighting products.









My Role

My Role





Web Design, Responsive

Web Design, Responsive

The Problem

Despite being a prominent brand, Jaquar's online presence suffered from poor navigation, outdated catalogues, ineffective chatbots, and flawed website architecture. These deficiencies not only hinder user experience but also fail to reflect the brand's commitment to quality and innovation. Consequently, the website failed to meet the expectations of modern consumers and presents a significant obstacle to achieving online success and customer satisfaction.

  1. Outdated User Interface: Jaquar's website had an outdated user interface that failed to meet the modern design and functionality standards expected by traders.

  2. Scalability Issues: As the user base grew rapidly, the existing infrastructure struggled to handle increased trading volumes, leading to downtime during peak periods.

  3. Bad Navigation: Since they had a huge catalogue of products, they faced difficulties in navigating the user to the product he/she wants


  1. Website Redesign: Conduct a comprehensive redesign of the website to modernize its look and feel. Focus on user-centric design principles to improve navigation and enhance the overall user experience.

  2. Streamlined Navigation: Simplify the website's navigation structure to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. Implement clear categories and menus to help users easily find the information or products they are looking for.

  3. Updated Catalogues: Update and optimize product catalogues with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and intuitive filtering options. Ensure that product information is accurate and up-to-date to provide users with relevant and useful content.

  4. Enhanced Chatbots: Improve the functionality and effectiveness of chatbots by implementing AI-driven chatbots capable of understanding and responding to user queries more accurately and efficiently. Incorporate features such as natural language processing and personalized recommendations to enhance the user experience.

  5. Improved Website Architecture: Revise the website's architecture to improve performance, scalability, and maintainability. Ensure that the website follows best practices in web development and adheres to modern standards to prevent issues such as slow loading times and broken links.

  6. Responsive Design: Optimize the website for mobile devices to ensure a seamless experience across all devices and screen sizes. Implement responsive design techniques to adapt the layout and content dynamically based on the user's device.

  7. User Testing and Feedback: Conduct usability testing and gather feedback from users to identify any remaining issues or areas for improvement. Use this feedback to iteratively refine and enhance the website to better meet the needs and expectations of users.

By implementing these recommendations, Jaquar can revitalize its online presence, improve user engagement, and strengthen its brand reputation in the digital space.


To address these challenges, we followed this strategic approach:

  1. User-Centric Design: Jaquar underwent a complete user interface overhaul, with a focus on a user-friendly, intuitive, and visually appealing design.

  2. Assessment and Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current website to identify specific pain points and areas for improvement. This includes analyzing user feedback, conducting usability testing, and performing a thorough audit of the website's design, navigation, content, and functionality.

  3. Define Goals and Objectives: Clearly define the goals and objectives of the website redesign initiative. This may include improving user experience, increasing engagement and conversion rates, enhancing brand perception, and aligning the website with the brand's overall marketing and business objectives.

  4. User-Centric Design: Adopt a user-centric design approach focused on understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of the target audience. Conduct user research, develop user personas, and create user journey maps to inform the design decisions and ensure that the website effectively addresses the needs and expectations of users.

  5. Website Redesign: Develop a comprehensive redesign plan that incorporates modern design principles, responsive design techniques, and intuitive navigation patterns. This includes creating wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to visualize the proposed design changes and gather feedback from stakeholders and users.

  6. Content Optimization: Review and optimize the website's content to ensure that it is relevant, engaging, and easy to consume. This includes updating product catalogues with high-quality images and detailed descriptions, as well as creating compelling copy and multimedia content to attract and retain users.

  7. Technology Upgrade: Evaluate the existing technology stack and consider upgrading to modern web development technologies and frameworks. This may involve migrating to a new content management system (CMS), implementing front-end frameworks like React or Vue.js, and optimizing performance and security.

  8. Testing and Iteration: Conduct thorough testing of the redesigned website across different devices, browsers, and screen sizes to ensure compatibility and usability. Gather feedback from users through usability testing, surveys, and analytics tools, and use this feedback to iterate and refine the design and functionality of the website.

  9. Launch and Optimization: Deploy the redesigned website and monitor its performance closely after launch. Use web analytics tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as traffic, engagement, and conversion rates, and continuously optimize the website based on the insights gathered to achieve the desired goals and objectives.




The development of Jaquar's website and Blogs and Deale Dashboards led to a series of remarkable results:

  1. Improved User Experience: The redesigned website offers a significantly improved user experience, with streamlined navigation, intuitive interface design, and enhanced accessibility across devices.

  2. Increased Engagement: Users are more engaged with the website, spending more time exploring content, browsing product catalogues, and interacting with chatbots for support and assistance.

  3. Higher Conversion Rates: The revamped website leads to higher conversion rates, with more visitors completing desired actions such as making purchases, submitting inquiries, or signing up for newsletters.

  4. Enhanced Brand Perception: The updated website reflects positively on Jaquar's brand image, conveying professionalism, innovation, and customer-centricity to visitors.

  5. Better Performance Metrics: Key performance indicators such as bounce rate, page load times, and click-through rates show significant improvements, indicating a more efficient and engaging website experience for users.

Blog Section:

In addition to the designing of the website we made a separate section for the blogs which had a more traction to their main website from architects and builders.

Dealer Dashboards:

Separately, a product produced by our agency called D2C had a requirement for a dashboard for the dealers to purchase. And the design had to be as follows:


  1. Collaborative Approach: Involving stakeholders from various departments and disciplines fosters collaboration and ensures that the redesign aligns with the organization's goals and objectives.

  2. Iterative Design Process: Adopting an iterative approach allows for continuous improvement and refinement of the website, ensuring that it evolves to meet the changing needs and expectations of users over time.

  3. Continuous Optimization: The redesign process doesn't end with the website launch; ongoing monitoring, testing, and optimization are necessary to maintain and improve the website's performance and user experience in the long term.


In conclusion, the redesign of Jaquar's outdated website has yielded significant improvements in user experience, engagement, and brand perception. Through a collaborative and data-driven approach, we successfully addressed the website's shortcomings, delivering a modern, intuitive, and responsive digital platform that aligns with user needs and organizational objectives. The positive results, including increased engagement, higher conversion rates, and improved performance metrics, underscore the effectiveness of our approach in creating a website that resonates with users and enhances Jaquar's online presence. As we continue to iterate and optimize the website based on user feedback and evolving industry trends, we remain committed to delivering an exceptional digital experience.

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